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Professional Standards

NHPC massage therapists are skilled, competent, and follow a strict Code of Ethics.

The NHPC is committed to strengthening and maintaining professional standards for its practitioners, and reinforces professional standards by:


  • evaluating practitioner qualifications to ensure they meet or exceed established competencies for each holistic health practice the Association represents

  • requiring practitioners to maintain and enhance their knowledge and skills to support continued safe and effective practice, using a robust Continued Competency Program

  • creating and maintaining accountability through a stringent Code of Ethics and a thorough Complaints Resolution Process

  • establishing and promoting industry-compliant record keeping best practices for members


Professional standards support public safety by establishing practitioner competence and accountability. By following these standards, NHPC massage therapists demonstrate their professionalism as holistic health practitioners.


All NHPC members are required to abide by the NHPC Bylaws (PDF) and comply with the NHPC’s Code of Ethics (PDF). The Code of Ethics expresses the professional commitment all members must demonstrate while practising.


All practising NHPC massage therapists must complete a mandatory ethics review as part of the NHPC’s Continued Competency Program.



The NHPC's Vision, Mission, and Values call for professional excellence and accountability from the natural health professionals it represents.


To help support this, the NHPC has a mandatory Continued Competency Program (CCP) for all practising members to ensure they remain safe and skillful.


Members are required to earn 20 CCP credits every two years in the areas of ethics, CPR, First Aid, and professional development activities.


The CCP helps practitioners fulfill their obligations of ethical and responsible client care through their knowledge, ability, skills, judgment, standards of practice, and commitment to lifelong learning.


A profession's Standards of Practice describe the specific competencies that a practitioner must learn to achieve the expected outcomes described within the profession's scope of practice.


The purpose of Standards of Practice is to identify all competencies for safe, competent, and appropriate practice. This ensures that the public will receive the highest degree of professionalism, safety, and best practices when accessing the profession's services.


The NHPC has endorsed and developed the Standards of Practice for Massage Therapy (PDF), taking into consideration current national competencies in massage therapy education identified in the Inter-Jurisdictional Practice Competencies and Performance Indicators for Massage Therapists at Entry-to-Practice (FOMTRAC 2016).


Practice Management is a service that assists and supports members, the industry, and the public with all matters that arise in the daily realities of practice.


The Practice Management Team helps members by discussing business practices, workplace dilemmas, interpersonal conflicts, and everyday practice and ethical inquiries. 


This role is important to both NHPC members and the public as it provides a critical and candid look into the realities of being a holistic health practitioner.


The NHPC views complaints as an opportunity to review and improve upon a member’s practice. The Complaints Resolution Process is designed to assist a member to understand an ethical dilemma or issue so that the problem does not re-occur.


The approach includes reflection on the significance of the complaint, peer guidance, and meaningful resolution through a remedial education program.


  • Most complaints can be resolved through a remedial education program, which is the first option the NHPC will pursue

  • Disciplinary measures are only appropriate for serious, repetitive misconduct and for members who cannot be re-mediated

NHPC’s Complaints Resolution Process does not:


  • award damages or compensation

  • accept complaints with criminal allegations that should be directed to the police

  • intervene in civil disputes, including contract disputes

  • order a member to offer a discount or refund for services rendered

  • address a member’s conduct outside of professional practice

  • represent the complainant or offer legal advice




Prof. Standards
Standards of Practice
Practice Managment
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